♦ RIP version 1
♦ RIP version 1 특징
- Distance Vector 라우팅 프로토콜
- 경로 결정 메트릭 값은 hop count 이용
- hop count 최대값은 15
- 전체 라우팅 테이블을 30초마다 이웃 라우터에게 브로드 캐스트로 전달
- load balance는 기본적으로 4개 경로이고 최대 6개까지 가능
♦ RIP 1 주기적인 업데이트
- RIP는 30초, IGRP는 90초
- 주기 짧으면 링크 혼잡, 주기가 길면 네트워크 변화가 전파되는 속도가 느려짐.
♦ RIP 1 브로드 캐스트 업데이트
- 라우터가 네트워크에 처음 연결될때 브로드캐스트 주소를 이용해 자신의 정보 알림
♦ RIP 1 라우팅 테이블 전체 업데이트
- 자신의 라우팅 테이블 내용을 이웃 라우터한테 보냄
- 이웃 라우터는 필요한 정보만 기록하고 나머지는 폐기
♦ Routing loop
- 장애가난 네트워크에 대한 정보들이 빠르게 전파되지 못하기 때문에 loop 발생
- 해결책으로 변경된 네트워크에 대해서 주기적인 업데이트 시간까지 기다리지 않고 업데이트를 하는 trigglered update 방법이 있음
♦ RIP version 2
♦ RIP version 2 특징
- hop count 최대값 15
- 15넘는 값은 looping 발생으로 처리 사용 불가
- 대규모 네트워크에서는 사용 제한
♦ Hold down timer
- 네트워크가 다운되었음을 알리면 라우터는 다운된 네트워크에 대해서 hold down timer 시작
- hold down timer 동작중에는 외부에서 라우팅 경로 정보 받아도 무시
- hold down timer 종료되거나 목적지에 대한 새로운 경로의 metric 이 기존 metric과 같거나 좋은 경우 업데이트 받음
♦ Triggered Update
- hold down과 반대
- 회선에 장애가 발생한 후 라우팅 테이블이 갱신 될때까지 기다리지 않고 라우팅 정보 베포
- 'ip rip triggered'로 설정
♦ split horizon
- 라우팅 정보가 들어온 곳으로는 같은 정보를 전송하지 않는 것
- looping 방지 기능
♦ route poisoning
- 네트워크가 다운되었을 때 metric값을 무한으로 바꾸어 사용할 수 없게 만드는 것
- poison reverse : 큰 네트워크에서 routing loop 방지
♦ RIP version 1
♦ RIP version 1 features
- Distance Vector Routing Protocol
- Route decision metric value is used by hop count
- hop count The maximum value is 15
- Broadcast the entire routing table to the neighboring router every 30 seconds.
- Load balance is basically 4 paths and can be up to 6
♦ RIP 1 periodic update
- 30 seconds for RIP, 90 seconds for IGRP
- If the cycle is short, the link congestion, and if the cycle is long, the propagation speed of the network change becomes slow.
♦ RIP 1 Broadcast Update
- When a router first connects to the network, it uses its broadcast address to notify itself of its information.
♦ Full update of the RIP 1 routing table
- Sends the contents of its routing table to neighboring routers
- Neighboring routers only record the necessary information and discard the rest.
♦ Routing loop
- Looping occurs because information on poor networks is not propagated quickly.
- There is a trigglered update method that updates without waiting for periodic update time for the changed network as a solution.
♦ RIP version 2
♦ RIP version 2 features
- hop count up to 15
- Over 15 values can not be processed due to looping occurrence.
- Limited use on large networks
♦ Hold down timer
- If the network is notified that the network is down, the router will start the hold down timer
- During the hold down timer operation, ignore the routing path information from the outside.
- hold down timer If the metric of the new path to the end or the destination is equal to or better than the existing metric
♦ Triggered Update
- hold down
- Do not wait until the routing table is updated after a line failure,
- Set to 'ip rip triggered'
♦ split horizon
- Do not send the same information to the place where the routing information comes in.
- Looping prevention function
♦ route poisoning
- make the metric unlimited when the network goes down
- poison reverse: prevents routing loops on large networks
♦ RIP dreach 1
♦ Feartan RIP version 1
- Pròtacal Rothaireachd astar-falaichte
- Thèid luach meadhanach co-dhùnaidhean slighe a chleachdadh le cunntadh hop
- cunntadh hop Tha an luach as àirde 15
- Craolaich an clàr làimhseachaidh gu lèir don rothaiche ri taobh gach 30 diog.
- Is e 4 slighean a th 'ann a bhith a' clàradh cothrom agus faodaidh e bhith suas ri 6
♦ Ùrachadh aithriseach RIP 1
- 30 diogan airson RIP, 90 diogan airson IGRP
- Ma tha an rothar goirid, tha an t-iomadachadh ceangail, agus ma tha an rothaireachd fada, bidh astar luadachaidh an lìonra ag atharrachadh gu slaodach.
♦ RIP 1 Ùrachadh Craolaidh
- Nuair a bhios roth-a-steach a 'ceangal ris an lìonra an toiseach, bidh e a' cleachdadh an t-seòladh craolaidh aige gus fios a thoirt dha fhèin mun fhiosrachadh aice.
♦ Làn-ùrachadh air clàr ruith RIP 1
- Cuir a-steach susbaint a 'bhùird ruith gu ròinirean eile
- Chan eil rothairean a-muigh a 'clàradh an fhiosrachaidh a tha a dhìth ach a' toirt seachad an còrr.
♦ Lùghdachadh air lùib
- Tha Looping a 'tachairt seach nach eil fiosrachadh air lìonraidhean truagh air a bhrosnachadh gu luath.
- Tha dòigh ùrachadh air a thoirmeasg ann a bhios ùrachadh às aonais a bhith a 'feitheamh ri ùine ùrachadh mean air mhean airson an lìonra atharrachadh mar fhuasgladh.
♦ RIP version 2
♦ Feartan RIP version 2
- cunntadh hop suas gu 15
- Chan urrainn còrr is 15 luachan a bhith air an giullachd mar thoradh air a bhith a 'tachairt.
- Cleachdadh cuibhrichte air lìonraidhean mòra
♦ Cum sìos an timer
- Ma thèid fios a leigeil don lìonra gu bheil an lìonra sìos, tòisichidh an roth-inneal an t-àm-ama
- Rè a 'ghleidheadh sìos an t-inneal-timer, leig seachad seachad fiosrachadh bhon fhrith-rathaid bhon taobh a-muigh.
- Ma thig an t-àm-ama a 'tighinn gu crìch no ma tha am metric den fhrith-rathaid ùr chun a' cheann-uidhe co-ionann no nas fheàrr na am meatair a th 'ann mar-thà
♦ Ùrachadh air a thionndadh
- cùm sìos
- Na bi feitheamh gus an tèid am bòrd làimhseachadh ùrachadh às dèidh fàilligeadh loidhne,
- Cuir ri 'ip rip triggered'
♦ a 'roinn fharpais
- Na cuir thu an aon fhiosrachadh chun an àite far a bheil am fiosrachadh ruith-a-steach a 'tighinn a-steach.
- Gnìomh bacadh lùbach
♦ a 'phuinnseanachadh
- dèan an tomhas meadhanach gun chrìoch nuair a thèid an lìonra sìos
- cùl puinnseanta: a 'bacadh lùban giùlain air lìonraidhean mòra
♦ RIP version 1 특징
- Distance Vector 라우팅 프로토콜
- 경로 결정 메트릭 값은 hop count 이용
- hop count 최대값은 15
- 전체 라우팅 테이블을 30초마다 이웃 라우터에게 브로드 캐스트로 전달
- load balance는 기본적으로 4개 경로이고 최대 6개까지 가능
♦ RIP 1 주기적인 업데이트
- RIP는 30초, IGRP는 90초
- 주기 짧으면 링크 혼잡, 주기가 길면 네트워크 변화가 전파되는 속도가 느려짐.
♦ RIP 1 브로드 캐스트 업데이트
- 라우터가 네트워크에 처음 연결될때 브로드캐스트 주소를 이용해 자신의 정보 알림
♦ RIP 1 라우팅 테이블 전체 업데이트
- 자신의 라우팅 테이블 내용을 이웃 라우터한테 보냄
- 이웃 라우터는 필요한 정보만 기록하고 나머지는 폐기
♦ Routing loop
- 장애가난 네트워크에 대한 정보들이 빠르게 전파되지 못하기 때문에 loop 발생
- 해결책으로 변경된 네트워크에 대해서 주기적인 업데이트 시간까지 기다리지 않고 업데이트를 하는 trigglered update 방법이 있음
♦ RIP version 2
♦ RIP version 2 특징
- hop count 최대값 15
- 15넘는 값은 looping 발생으로 처리 사용 불가
- 대규모 네트워크에서는 사용 제한
♦ Hold down timer
- 네트워크가 다운되었음을 알리면 라우터는 다운된 네트워크에 대해서 hold down timer 시작
- hold down timer 동작중에는 외부에서 라우팅 경로 정보 받아도 무시
- hold down timer 종료되거나 목적지에 대한 새로운 경로의 metric 이 기존 metric과 같거나 좋은 경우 업데이트 받음
♦ Triggered Update
- hold down과 반대
- 회선에 장애가 발생한 후 라우팅 테이블이 갱신 될때까지 기다리지 않고 라우팅 정보 베포
- 'ip rip triggered'로 설정
♦ split horizon
- 라우팅 정보가 들어온 곳으로는 같은 정보를 전송하지 않는 것
- looping 방지 기능
♦ route poisoning
- 네트워크가 다운되었을 때 metric값을 무한으로 바꾸어 사용할 수 없게 만드는 것
- poison reverse : 큰 네트워크에서 routing loop 방지
♦ RIP version 1
♦ RIP version 1 features
- Distance Vector Routing Protocol
- Route decision metric value is used by hop count
- hop count The maximum value is 15
- Broadcast the entire routing table to the neighboring router every 30 seconds.
- Load balance is basically 4 paths and can be up to 6
♦ RIP 1 periodic update
- 30 seconds for RIP, 90 seconds for IGRP
- If the cycle is short, the link congestion, and if the cycle is long, the propagation speed of the network change becomes slow.
♦ RIP 1 Broadcast Update
- When a router first connects to the network, it uses its broadcast address to notify itself of its information.
♦ Full update of the RIP 1 routing table
- Sends the contents of its routing table to neighboring routers
- Neighboring routers only record the necessary information and discard the rest.
♦ Routing loop
- Looping occurs because information on poor networks is not propagated quickly.
- There is a trigglered update method that updates without waiting for periodic update time for the changed network as a solution.
♦ RIP version 2
♦ RIP version 2 features
- hop count up to 15
- Over 15 values can not be processed due to looping occurrence.
- Limited use on large networks
♦ Hold down timer
- If the network is notified that the network is down, the router will start the hold down timer
- During the hold down timer operation, ignore the routing path information from the outside.
- hold down timer If the metric of the new path to the end or the destination is equal to or better than the existing metric
♦ Triggered Update
- hold down
- Do not wait until the routing table is updated after a line failure,
- Set to 'ip rip triggered'
♦ split horizon
- Do not send the same information to the place where the routing information comes in.
- Looping prevention function
♦ route poisoning
- make the metric unlimited when the network goes down
- poison reverse: prevents routing loops on large networks
♦ RIP dreach 1
♦ Feartan RIP version 1
- Pròtacal Rothaireachd astar-falaichte
- Thèid luach meadhanach co-dhùnaidhean slighe a chleachdadh le cunntadh hop
- cunntadh hop Tha an luach as àirde 15
- Craolaich an clàr làimhseachaidh gu lèir don rothaiche ri taobh gach 30 diog.
- Is e 4 slighean a th 'ann a bhith a' clàradh cothrom agus faodaidh e bhith suas ri 6
♦ Ùrachadh aithriseach RIP 1
- 30 diogan airson RIP, 90 diogan airson IGRP
- Ma tha an rothar goirid, tha an t-iomadachadh ceangail, agus ma tha an rothaireachd fada, bidh astar luadachaidh an lìonra ag atharrachadh gu slaodach.
♦ RIP 1 Ùrachadh Craolaidh
- Nuair a bhios roth-a-steach a 'ceangal ris an lìonra an toiseach, bidh e a' cleachdadh an t-seòladh craolaidh aige gus fios a thoirt dha fhèin mun fhiosrachadh aice.
♦ Làn-ùrachadh air clàr ruith RIP 1
- Cuir a-steach susbaint a 'bhùird ruith gu ròinirean eile
- Chan eil rothairean a-muigh a 'clàradh an fhiosrachaidh a tha a dhìth ach a' toirt seachad an còrr.
♦ Lùghdachadh air lùib
- Tha Looping a 'tachairt seach nach eil fiosrachadh air lìonraidhean truagh air a bhrosnachadh gu luath.
- Tha dòigh ùrachadh air a thoirmeasg ann a bhios ùrachadh às aonais a bhith a 'feitheamh ri ùine ùrachadh mean air mhean airson an lìonra atharrachadh mar fhuasgladh.
♦ RIP version 2
♦ Feartan RIP version 2
- cunntadh hop suas gu 15
- Chan urrainn còrr is 15 luachan a bhith air an giullachd mar thoradh air a bhith a 'tachairt.
- Cleachdadh cuibhrichte air lìonraidhean mòra
♦ Cum sìos an timer
- Ma thèid fios a leigeil don lìonra gu bheil an lìonra sìos, tòisichidh an roth-inneal an t-àm-ama
- Rè a 'ghleidheadh sìos an t-inneal-timer, leig seachad seachad fiosrachadh bhon fhrith-rathaid bhon taobh a-muigh.
- Ma thig an t-àm-ama a 'tighinn gu crìch no ma tha am metric den fhrith-rathaid ùr chun a' cheann-uidhe co-ionann no nas fheàrr na am meatair a th 'ann mar-thà
♦ Ùrachadh air a thionndadh
- cùm sìos
- Na bi feitheamh gus an tèid am bòrd làimhseachadh ùrachadh às dèidh fàilligeadh loidhne,
- Cuir ri 'ip rip triggered'
♦ a 'roinn fharpais
- Na cuir thu an aon fhiosrachadh chun an àite far a bheil am fiosrachadh ruith-a-steach a 'tighinn a-steach.
- Gnìomh bacadh lùbach
♦ a 'phuinnseanachadh
- dèan an tomhas meadhanach gun chrìoch nuair a thèid an lìonra sìos
- cùl puinnseanta: a 'bacadh lùban giùlain air lìonraidhean mòra
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