- VLAN Trunking Protocol
- 여러개의 스위치들이 VLAN 설정 정보를 교환할 때 사용하는 프로토콜
♦ VTP 동작 원리
- 스위치에서 VLAN을 추가, 수정 삭제할 때 새로운 VLAN정보 전송 필요
- 스위치는 VTP 설정번호를 기존값보다 1증가 시켜 전송
- 수신한 번호가 크면 수신한 VLAN정보로 교체
- 수신한 번호가 같으면 정보 무시
- 수신한 번호가 낮으면 자신의 VTP정보를 전송
♦ VTP 도메인
- VTP 도메인 이름이 같은 스위치간에만 정보를 교환
- VTP가 동작하려면 도메인이름이 같아야 되고 trunk연결 되어있어야 함
- 하나의 스위치에서 VTP도메인 이름을 지정하면 자동으로 연결된 스위치도 VTP 도메인 이름 설정
- 스위치 간 VTP 도메인 이름이 다르면 VTP정보 무시
- VTP정보는 라우터를 넘어가지 못함
- 설정 : vtp domain "xxx"
- 확인 : show vtp status
♦ VTP모드
1. server mode(기본 모드) : VLAN생성, 삭제, 변경 가능. VTP정보를 다른 스위치에게 전송. 최신정보로 업데이트. 중계
2. client mode : VLAN 생성, 삭제 불가능. VTP정보 전송. 최신정보로 업데이트. 중계
3. transparent mode(VTP 미사용) : VLAN 생성, 삭제 가능. VTP정보 전송하지 않음. 최신정보로 업데이트하지 않고 중계만 함.
※ VTP모드 설정 : vtp mode "xxx"
♦VTP pruning
- broadcast를 보낼 필요가 없을 때 trunk포트를 통해 차단
- 설정 : vtp pruning
♦ 확장 VLAN
- VLAN 번호가 1006 ~ 4094
- VTP transparent 모드에서 설정가능
- VTP는 확장 VLAN을 지원하지 않음(server, client)
♦ 새로운 스위치 추가할 때
- VTP에 의해서 스위치가 잘못 동작하지 않도록 VTP 설정 번호를 초기화 시켜 0으로 만들어야 함
- 새로운 스위치 연결시 설정 번호가 기존 스위치보다 높으면 기존 스위치들의 VLAN설정 정보가 모두 삭제됨(server, client)
- 초기화 방법
1. delete clan.dat → reload
2. trasparent 모드로 변경후 server, client모드로 변경
- VLAN Trunking Protocol
- The protocol used by several switches to exchange VLAN configuration information.
♦ How VTP works
- New VLAN information needs to be added when adding, modifying and deleting VLANs on the switch
- The switch transmits the VTP setup number by 1 more than the existing value.
- If received number is big, it replaces with received VLAN information
- Ignore information if the same number is received
- If the received number is low, it transmits its own VTP information.
♦ VTP domain
- exchange information only between switches with the same VTP domain name
- For VTP to work, domain name must be same and trunk must be connected.
- If you specify a VTP domain name on one switch, the automatically connected switch also sets the VTP domain name
- Ignore VTP information if the switch-to-switch VTP domain name is different
- VTP information could not cross the router
- Setting: vtp domain "xxx"
- Verification: show vtp status
♦ VTP mode
1. server mode (default mode): Create, delete, and change VLANs. Send VTP information to another switch. Update to the latest information. Relay
2. client mode: VLAN creation, deletion disabled. VTP information transfer. Update to the latest information. Relay
3. transparent mode (VTP not used): VLAN can be created and deleted. Do not transmit VTP information. Relay only without updating to the latest information.
※ VTP mode setting: vtp mode "xxx"
♦ Pruning VTP
- Block through trunk port when broadcast is not needed
- Setting: vtp pruning
♦ Extended VLAN
- VLAN numbers 1006 to 4094
- Configurable in VTP transparent mode
- VTP does not support extended VLANs (server, client)
♦ When adding a new switch
- The VTP setup number should be initialized to 0 to prevent the switch from malfunctioning by VTP.
- When the new switch connection number is higher than the existing switch, all the VLAN configuration information of the existing switches is deleted (server, client)
- Initialization method
1. delete clan.dat → reload
2. Change to trasparent mode, then change to server, client mode
- Protocol Trunking VLAN
- maamuuska in dhowr shido waxa loo isticmaalaa in ay is dhaafsadaan macluumaadka qaabeynta VLAN
♦ VTP mabda'a ka hawlgala
- Add VLAN on biiro, xaliyo kala iibsiga macluumaad VLAN cusub looga baahan yahay in ay hoos u
- biiro 1 kordhiyaa tirada VTP dhigay ka badan kala iibsiga qiimaha hore
- la mid ah u beddel helay tiro badan oo ah macluumaad VLAN helay
- iska macluumaadka loo siman yahay tirada aad heshay
- Haddii aad hesho tirada yar diraa ay macluumaad VTP
♦ VTP domain
- VTP in ay is dhaafsadaan macluumaadka u dhexeeya shido, sida magaca domain kaliya
- Magaca domain VTP waa qalliin la mid ah ayaa sidoo kale waxaa in lagugu xiro jirridda
Haddii aad ka mid ka mid ah wareegto sheeg magaca domain VTP si toos ah badalato sidoo kale magaca domain VTP la xiriira
- Magaca domain VTP The macluumaad kala duwan VTP dhexeeya shido iska indha
- macluumaad VTP ma gudbo router ah
- Goobta: domain vtp "xxx"
- Check, xaaladda show vtp
♦ hab VTP
hab 1. server (mode default): abuurka VLAN, tirtirka, waa la bedeli karaa. U dir macluumaadka si shido kale VTP. Cusboonaysii macluumaadka ugu dambeeyey. Relay
mode 2. macmiilka: VLAN abuurka, tirtirka wax aan macquul aheyn. VTP kala iibsiga macluumaadka. Cusboonaysii macluumaadka ugu dambeeyey. Relay
3. hab hufan (VTP aan la isticmaalin): VLAN abuurka, waxaa laga saari karaa. macluumaad VTP la isugu ma gudbiyo. Ha u cusboonaysiiso kaliya macluumaadka Relays ugu dambeeyay.
※ hab VTP: hab vtp "xxx"
♦ manjooyin VTP
- xidhmey dekedaha jirridda marka aadan u baahnayn in aad u soo dirto warbaahinta a
- Goobta: manjooyin vtp
♦ VLAN kordhiyay
- Tirada VLAN 1006-4094
- waxaa lagu wadaa in VTP hab hufan
- VTP ma taageeri VLAN ku kordhiyay (server, macmiilka)
♦ Marka aad ku dari shido cusub
- in initialize tiro go'an VTP in uusan shaqeyn biiro qaldan by VTP waa in loo abuuray in 0
- Marka tirada la xidhiidha biiro cusub uu ka badan yahay macluumaadka jira VLAN biiro qaabeynta oo dhan ku biiro jira saaro (server, macmiilka)
- Sida loo Billow
1. tirtirto clan.dat → Reload
2. Change in hab trasparent ay isbedesho in server, hab macmiilka......
- VLAN Trunking Protocol
- 여러개의 스위치들이 VLAN 설정 정보를 교환할 때 사용하는 프로토콜
♦ VTP 동작 원리
- 스위치에서 VLAN을 추가, 수정 삭제할 때 새로운 VLAN정보 전송 필요
- 스위치는 VTP 설정번호를 기존값보다 1증가 시켜 전송
- 수신한 번호가 크면 수신한 VLAN정보로 교체
- 수신한 번호가 같으면 정보 무시
- 수신한 번호가 낮으면 자신의 VTP정보를 전송
♦ VTP 도메인
- VTP 도메인 이름이 같은 스위치간에만 정보를 교환
- VTP가 동작하려면 도메인이름이 같아야 되고 trunk연결 되어있어야 함
- 하나의 스위치에서 VTP도메인 이름을 지정하면 자동으로 연결된 스위치도 VTP 도메인 이름 설정
- 스위치 간 VTP 도메인 이름이 다르면 VTP정보 무시
- VTP정보는 라우터를 넘어가지 못함
- 설정 : vtp domain "xxx"
- 확인 : show vtp status
♦ VTP모드
1. server mode(기본 모드) : VLAN생성, 삭제, 변경 가능. VTP정보를 다른 스위치에게 전송. 최신정보로 업데이트. 중계
2. client mode : VLAN 생성, 삭제 불가능. VTP정보 전송. 최신정보로 업데이트. 중계
3. transparent mode(VTP 미사용) : VLAN 생성, 삭제 가능. VTP정보 전송하지 않음. 최신정보로 업데이트하지 않고 중계만 함.
※ VTP모드 설정 : vtp mode "xxx"
♦VTP pruning
- broadcast를 보낼 필요가 없을 때 trunk포트를 통해 차단
- 설정 : vtp pruning
♦ 확장 VLAN
- VLAN 번호가 1006 ~ 4094
- VTP transparent 모드에서 설정가능
- VTP는 확장 VLAN을 지원하지 않음(server, client)
♦ 새로운 스위치 추가할 때
- VTP에 의해서 스위치가 잘못 동작하지 않도록 VTP 설정 번호를 초기화 시켜 0으로 만들어야 함
- 새로운 스위치 연결시 설정 번호가 기존 스위치보다 높으면 기존 스위치들의 VLAN설정 정보가 모두 삭제됨(server, client)
- 초기화 방법
1. delete clan.dat → reload
2. trasparent 모드로 변경후 server, client모드로 변경
- VLAN Trunking Protocol
- The protocol used by several switches to exchange VLAN configuration information.
♦ How VTP works
- New VLAN information needs to be added when adding, modifying and deleting VLANs on the switch
- The switch transmits the VTP setup number by 1 more than the existing value.
- If received number is big, it replaces with received VLAN information
- Ignore information if the same number is received
- If the received number is low, it transmits its own VTP information.
♦ VTP domain
- exchange information only between switches with the same VTP domain name
- For VTP to work, domain name must be same and trunk must be connected.
- If you specify a VTP domain name on one switch, the automatically connected switch also sets the VTP domain name
- Ignore VTP information if the switch-to-switch VTP domain name is different
- VTP information could not cross the router
- Setting: vtp domain "xxx"
- Verification: show vtp status
♦ VTP mode
1. server mode (default mode): Create, delete, and change VLANs. Send VTP information to another switch. Update to the latest information. Relay
2. client mode: VLAN creation, deletion disabled. VTP information transfer. Update to the latest information. Relay
3. transparent mode (VTP not used): VLAN can be created and deleted. Do not transmit VTP information. Relay only without updating to the latest information.
※ VTP mode setting: vtp mode "xxx"
♦ Pruning VTP
- Block through trunk port when broadcast is not needed
- Setting: vtp pruning
♦ Extended VLAN
- VLAN numbers 1006 to 4094
- Configurable in VTP transparent mode
- VTP does not support extended VLANs (server, client)
♦ When adding a new switch
- The VTP setup number should be initialized to 0 to prevent the switch from malfunctioning by VTP.
- When the new switch connection number is higher than the existing switch, all the VLAN configuration information of the existing switches is deleted (server, client)
- Initialization method
1. delete clan.dat → reload
2. Change to trasparent mode, then change to server, client mode
- Protocol Trunking VLAN
- maamuuska in dhowr shido waxa loo isticmaalaa in ay is dhaafsadaan macluumaadka qaabeynta VLAN
♦ VTP mabda'a ka hawlgala
- Add VLAN on biiro, xaliyo kala iibsiga macluumaad VLAN cusub looga baahan yahay in ay hoos u
- biiro 1 kordhiyaa tirada VTP dhigay ka badan kala iibsiga qiimaha hore
- la mid ah u beddel helay tiro badan oo ah macluumaad VLAN helay
- iska macluumaadka loo siman yahay tirada aad heshay
- Haddii aad hesho tirada yar diraa ay macluumaad VTP
♦ VTP domain
- VTP in ay is dhaafsadaan macluumaadka u dhexeeya shido, sida magaca domain kaliya
- Magaca domain VTP waa qalliin la mid ah ayaa sidoo kale waxaa in lagugu xiro jirridda
Haddii aad ka mid ka mid ah wareegto sheeg magaca domain VTP si toos ah badalato sidoo kale magaca domain VTP la xiriira
- Magaca domain VTP The macluumaad kala duwan VTP dhexeeya shido iska indha
- macluumaad VTP ma gudbo router ah
- Goobta: domain vtp "xxx"
- Check, xaaladda show vtp
♦ hab VTP
hab 1. server (mode default): abuurka VLAN, tirtirka, waa la bedeli karaa. U dir macluumaadka si shido kale VTP. Cusboonaysii macluumaadka ugu dambeeyey. Relay
mode 2. macmiilka: VLAN abuurka, tirtirka wax aan macquul aheyn. VTP kala iibsiga macluumaadka. Cusboonaysii macluumaadka ugu dambeeyey. Relay
3. hab hufan (VTP aan la isticmaalin): VLAN abuurka, waxaa laga saari karaa. macluumaad VTP la isugu ma gudbiyo. Ha u cusboonaysiiso kaliya macluumaadka Relays ugu dambeeyay.
※ hab VTP: hab vtp "xxx"
♦ manjooyin VTP
- xidhmey dekedaha jirridda marka aadan u baahnayn in aad u soo dirto warbaahinta a
- Goobta: manjooyin vtp
♦ VLAN kordhiyay
- Tirada VLAN 1006-4094
- waxaa lagu wadaa in VTP hab hufan
- VTP ma taageeri VLAN ku kordhiyay (server, macmiilka)
♦ Marka aad ku dari shido cusub
- in initialize tiro go'an VTP in uusan shaqeyn biiro qaldan by VTP waa in loo abuuray in 0
- Marka tirada la xidhiidha biiro cusub uu ka badan yahay macluumaadka jira VLAN biiro qaabeynta oo dhan ku biiro jira saaro (server, macmiilka)
- Sida loo Billow
1. tirtirto clan.dat → Reload
2. Change in hab trasparent ay isbedesho in server, hab macmiilka......
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