[network] 네트워크 개념 Network Foundation Concepts

♦ 네트워크
-그물처럼 연결되어 동작하는 것

♦ 프로토콜
-컴퓨터와 컴퓨터 혹은 컴퓨터와 단말간 통신할 때 필요한 언어

♦ 네트워크는 규모, 소유권, 물리적 거리에 따라 LAN, WAN, MAN 으로 구분

♦ LAN(Local Area Network)
-9제한된 거리에 있는 기기들끼리 통신 가능하도록 하는 통신 시스템

♦ 토폴로지
-네트워크에서 케이블로 연결된 컴퓨터들의 전체 모양
-물리적 구조(실제모양), 논리적 구조(접속 방식)으로 나뉜다.

-토큰링 : 토큰이라는 짧은 프레임 사용하는 토큰 패싱 방식

♦ 무선LAN 
-IEEE 802.11a (OFDM을 사용하여 데이터 전송)

♦ LAN 스위칭
-실시간 네트워크를 사용하고자 할 경우 사용
-LAN 시크먼트를 스위치 포트에 연결하는 것
-CSMA/CD 방식은 각 단말기가 데이터를 동시에 전송할 때 전송에 제약을 받음
-스위칭 LAN 방식에서는 각 단말기가 동시에 데이터를 전송해도 문제가 없음

♦ 고속 이더넷
-1970년 중반 설계. 기존 이더넷의 전송 속도를 향상시키기 위해 개발된 기술100mbps

♦ 기가 비트 이더넷 
-등장 배경 : 1.큰 대역폭을 지원할 네트워킹 기술 필요.
2. 멀티미디어 데이터 활성화로 인한 서비스 품질 지원

♦ 10기가 비트 이더넷
-CSMA/CD 프로토콜 지원하지 않음(전이중 박식(양방향 데이터 전송)과 광 케이블만 지원)
-WAN 지원 표준화
-최대 지원 거리 : 10KM ~ 40KM

♦ MAN(Metropolitan Area Network)
-대도시에 있는 가입자망 연결
-LAN과 LAN을 연결
-백본 네트워크(LAN에서 WAN으로 연결하는 하나의 회선 또는 여러 회선의 모음)로 가는 길목 역할
-대부분 링 형태로 되어있음
- 모든 트래픽이 백본을 거치는 것을 방지

♦ 메트로 이더넷
-ISP(internet service provider)가 데이터 링크 계층 프로토콜로 이더넷 프로토콜을 사용하는 네트워크
-ISP망과 가입자 망을 이더넷으로 연결
-dark fiber(사용하지 않는 광 선로)사용

♦ WAN(Wide Area Network)

♦ 프레임 릴레이
-통계적 다중화 방식의 효율성과 고속 전송 특성이 결합된 프로토콜
-등장배경 : 고속통신의 필요성 증가, 전송회선 환경의 개선
-목적 : 기존의 패킷 교환 개념을 유지하면서 고속의 데이터 전송

-등장배경 : 고속, 광대역, 멀티미디어 등을 모두 수용할 수 있는 광대역 정보통신망의 필요성 증가
-원리 : 데이터를 53바이트(헤더, 사용자데이터)의 고정 길이의 셀로 나누어 비동기 방식으로 전송

- 통신망의 디지털화를 기반으로 종합적인 서비스 제공
- 서비스를 제공하는 능력에 따라 협대역 ISDN(64Kbps~1.92Mbps), 광대역 ISDN(2Mbps~100Mbps)으로 나눔

♦ 광 네트워크
-대용량의 트래픽을 전달할 수 있는 초고속 네트워크 인프라
-동축 케이블 대신 광섬유 사용

♦ 광 섬유
-장점 : 전기적인 간섭 없음. 매우 높은 전송속도. 보안성이 큼. 오류 발생 가능성 적음
-단점 : 설치와 케이블 접속 시 고도의 기술 필요
-구조 : 중심에서부터. 코어(광 신호 자체를 운송), 클래드(광 신호를 코어에 유지하는 역할), 코팅
-종류 :  단일 모드( 장거리 통신, 코어 직경이 다중모드보다 작음), 다중모드( 단거리 통신, 코어 직경이 단일모드보다 큼, 접속이 쉬움, 최대 속도 제한)

♦ LAN에서의 광 네트워크
-광 이더넷 - 10GbE. 장비의 이용 없이 이더넷 만으로 메트로 코어 네트워크 구성 가능

♦ WAN에서의 광 네트워크
-배경 : 대역폭의 고갈 심화 WDM(파장 분할 다중) 등장
-서로 다른 기술들을 단일한 물리적 인프라 속에 통합
- 파장의 재사용, 프로토콜의 투명성, 확장성

-파장 분할 다중
-개념적으로 FDM(주파수 분할 다중화)과 비슷
-파장이 다름을 이용하여 여러 반송파 신호를 단일 광섬유에 적용하는 기술

♦ Network
- Connected as a net

♦ Protocol
- The language needed to communicate between the computer and the computer or between the computer and the terminal.

♦ Network is divided into LAN, WAN, and MAN depending on size, ownership, and physical distance.

♦ Local Area Network (LAN)
-9 A communication system that allows devices at restricted distances to communicate with each other.

♦ Topology
- The overall appearance of computers cabled from the network
- Physical structure (physical appearance), logical structure (connection method) is divided into.

- Token Ring: Token passing method using short frame called token

♦ Wireless LAN
IEEE 802.11a (data transmission using OFDM)

♦ LAN Switching
- If you want to use real-time network
- Connecting the LAN Seam to the switch port
-CSMA / CD method is restricted in transmission when each terminal transmits data at the same time
- In the switching LAN method, there is no problem that each terminal can transmit data at the same time.

♦ Fast Ethernet
Designed in mid-1970. Technology developed to improve the transmission speed of existing Ethernet 100mbps

♦ Gigabit Ethernet
- Background: 1. Networking technology required to support large bandwidth.
2. Service quality support by activating multimedia data

♦ 10 Gigabit Ethernet
-CSMA / CD protocol not supported (full duplex (bi-directional data transmission) and optical cable only)
-WAN support standardization
- Maximum support distance: 10KM ~ 40KM

♦ Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)
- Subscriber line connection in big cities
Connect LAN and LAN
- A route to the backbone network (a collection of one line or multiple lines from LAN to WAN)
- Mostly in ring form.
- Prevent all traffic from going through the backbone

♦ Metro Ethernet
-Internet service provider (ISP) uses Ethernet protocol as data link layer protocol.
- Ethernet connection between ISP network and subscriber network
Use -dark fiber (unused optical line)

♦ WAN (Wide Area Network)

♦ Frame Relay
- A protocol that combines the efficiency of statistical multiplexing and high-speed transmission characteristics
- Background: Increased necessity of high-speed communication, improvement of transmission line environment
- Purpose: To maintain high-speed data transmission while maintaining the existing packet exchange concept.

- Background: The need for a broadband information and communication network capable of accommodating high-speed, broadband, multimedia, etc.
- Principle: Asynchronous transmission of data divided into fixed length cells of 53 bytes (header, user data)

- Comprehensive service based on digitalization of communication network
- Divide into narrowband ISDN (64Kbps ~ 1.92Mbps) and broadband ISDN (2Mbps ~ 100Mbps) depending on the ability to provide services.

♦ Optical network
- High-speed network infrastructure capable of delivering large volumes of traffic
- Use fiber instead of coaxial cable

♦ Fiber
- Advantages: No electrical interference. Very high transfer rate. Security is great. Low probability of error
- Disadvantages: High technology required for installation and cable connection
- Structure: From the center. Core (transporting the optical signal itself), clad (serving to keep the optical signal on the core), coating
- Type: Single mode (long distance communication, smaller core diameter than multi mode), multi mode (short distance communication, core diameter larger than single mode, easy to connect, maximum speed limit)

♦ Optical network on LAN
- Optical Ethernet - 10GbE. Metro core network configuration with Ethernet without equipment

♦ Optical network over the WAN
- Background: Depletion of bandwidth becomes WDM (wavelength division multiplex) appearance
- Integration of different technologies into a single physical infrastructure
- Wavelength reuse, protocol transparency, scalability

- Wavelength division multiplexing
- Conceptually similar to FDM (Frequency Division Multiplexing).
- Technique of applying multiple carrier signals to a single optical fiber using different wavelengths

♦ Network
- mba ho tahaka ny harato-tarihina mifandray fandidiana

♦ Protocol
- ny teny ilaina mba mifandray amin'ny solosaina, na eo amin'ny solosaina sy ny solosaina ny terminal

♦ tambajotra Mizara ho ny LAN, WAN, ny olombelona, ​​arakaraka ny habeny, tompony, ara-batana lavitra

♦ LAN (eo an-toerana Area Network)
-9 fifandraisana mba hahatonga ny fifandraisana eo amin'ny fitaovana ao amin'ny rafitra voafetra lavitra

♦ Topology
- rehetra ny solosaina mifandray amin'ny telegrama Network amin'ny endrika
- Mizara ho amin'ny ara-batana rafitra (endrika ara-batana), ny lojika rafitra (fifandraisana maody).

- famantarana Ring-mandalo tetika famantarana izay mampiasa fohy endriny atao hoe famantarana

♦ Wireless LAN
-IEEE 802.11a (ny fifindran'ny rakitra mampiasa OFDM)

♦ ara LAN
- raha te-hampiasa ny tena amin'ny fotoana Network
Tsy -LAN hitady fitsaboana fa ny mifandray amin'ny jiro seranan-tsambo
-CSMA / CD fomba mandray ny tery amin'ny fifindran'ny fotoana tsirairay mampita alalan'ny terminal ny angon-drakitra tamin'izany andro izany
- LAN ara fomba, dia tsy misy olana na dia ny terminal ny tsirairay miaraka amin'izay koa ny fampitana tahirin-kevitra

♦ Fast Ethernet
Natao tao amin'ny tapaky -1970. 100mbps teknolojia natao hanatsarana ny tahan'ny fifindran'ny misy eo amin'ny sehatra Ethernet

♦ Gigabit Ethernet
- fijery eo andamosina: 1. tambajotra teknolojia ilaina mba hanohanana passante bebe kokoa.
2. Quality ny Service fanohanana noho ny fampahavitrihana ny haino aman-jery tahirin-kevitra

♦ 10 Gigabit Ethernet
-CSMA / CD protocole dia tsy nanohana (Duplex ihany no manohana feno tsara-pahaizana (roa-famindrana izany tahirin-kevitra) ary Optical telegrama)
-WAN fanohanana penitra
- Ny ambony indrindra nanohana elanelana: 10km ~ 40KM

♦ MAN (Metropolitan Area Network)
- nanao famandrihana andalana fifandraisana ao an-tanàna
Mampifandray ny LAN -LAN
- mandeha eny an-dalana zorony manompo ho toy ny hazondamosina Network (fitambarana andalana iray na maro mba tsipika mampifandray ny LAN amin'ny WAN)
Tena misy ao amin'ny endriky ny peratra
- tsy ny fifamoivoizana mandalo ny hazondamosina

♦ Metro Ethernet
-ISP (mpanome tolotra aterineto) dia tambajotra izay mampiasa ny Ethernet fifanarahana amin'ny data-rohy sosona fifanarahana
Connect -ISP tambajotra sy ny fidirana tambajotra Ethernet
Ampiasao -dark fibre (Optical tsipika tsy ampiasaina)

♦ WAN (Wide Area Network)

♦ Frame fampitàna
- tsy mahomby sy haingam-pandeha fifindran'ny toetra mampiavaka ny antontan'isa multiplexing rafitra mitambatra fifanarahana
- Fampahafantarana andamosina: Ny fitomboan'ny fa ilaina ny fifandraisana haingam-pandeha sy hanatsarana ny tontolo iainana ny fifindran'ny tsipika
- Zava-kendreny: haingam-pandeha fampitana tahirin-kevitra foana raha ny foto-kevitra nentim-paharazana ny fonosana ara

- Fampahafantarana andamosina: haingam-pandeha, haingam-pandeha, tsy mitsaha-mitombo ny filàna tambajotra haingam-pandeha vaovao izay afaka handraisana rehetra ny haino aman-jery,
- Toro lalana: mizara sela iray 53 raikitra halavan'ny oktety ny tahirin-kevitra (ny lohapejy, mpampiasa antontan-kevitra) nalefa asynchronously

- manome tolotra feno miorina amin'ny digitization ny tambajotra
- arakaraka ny fahaizany manome asa fizarana ny narrowband ISDN (64Kbps ~ 1.92Mbps), Broadband ISDN (2Mbps ~ 100Mbps)

♦ Optical Network
- foto-drafitrasa tambajotra haingam-pandeha mahavonjy boky be dia be ny fifamoivoizana
- mampiasa fibre optic tariby fa tsy coaxial

♦ Fibre
Tombony: Tsy misy herinaratra fitsabahan'ny. Very avo fandefasana haingana. Greater fiarovana. Latsaky fahadisoana mora
- maharatsy ny mifampiresaka: Installation sy ny tariby fifandraisana toy ny efa mandroso ny teknolojia ilaina
- Structure: avy amin'ny foibe. Fototra (ny andraikitra noho ny fanaovana ny Optical famantarana eo amin'ny fototra) (hazavana famantarana ihany Transport), cladding, coating
- Type: Single-fomba (lavitra fifandraisana, ny fototra savaivony dia kely noho ny multi-fomba), multi-fomba (fohy-isan-karazany ny fifandraisana, ny fototra savaivony lehibe kokoa noho ny iray fomba, ny mora ny fahafahana miditra, mametra ny ambony indrindra hafainganam-pandeha)

♦ Optical tambajotra eo amin'ny LAN
- Optical Ethernet - 10GbE. Metro Ethernet fototra Network dia afaka ahitana afa-tsy ny fampiasana ny fitaovana

♦ Optical tambajotra ao amin'ny WAN
- andamosina: lany ny passante lalina WDM (fizarana halavan'ny onjam multiplexing) niseho
- tafiditra ao amin'ny tsirairay iray fotodrafitrasa ara-batana sy ny teknolojia hafa
- ampiasaina ny onjam, ny mangarahara ny protocole, scalability,

- halavan'ny onjam-division-multiplexé
- conceptually mitovy amin'ny FDM (matetika division multiplexing)
- mampiasa ny halavan'ny onjam ny teknika samy hafa ny mampihatra ny maro-mitondra famantarana eo amin'ny iray Optical fibre
